Results 2017

Results 2017

NC QSO Party Results - 2017

In-State Single Operator

Phone-Low Power

The Single Op Phone Low Power title was won by Eric, K4CEB, operating from Cabarrus County with a score of 134026. He made 553 QSOs and worked 65 counties.The runner-up was Ricky, KA4TLC operating from Bladen County with a score of 123974 based on 568 QSOs in 57 counties.

Mixed-High Power

The Single-Op In-State-Mixed High Power title was won by W4FS, Tucker, operating in Franklin  County.   Tucker racked up a score of 274932 points. He made a total of 1021 QSO’s and worked a total of 57 counties. The runner up for the Single-Op In-State-Mixed High Power  is Floyd, K8AC, in Ash County with a score of 126444 points. Floyd made a total of 647 QSO’s and worked 63 counties.

Mixed-Low Power

The Single-Op In-State-Mixed Low Power title was won by John, AD4J with a score of 169587, working a total of 585 QSOs and 66 counties. The runner-up was Dick, K4JJW, with a score of93227 working 416 QSOs and a total of 56 counties.


The Single-Op In-State-QRP title was won by Mark, WG8Y, with a score of 59322, working a totalof 276 QSOs and 60 counties. The runner-up was James, AI4WL, with a score of 33278 working 202QSOs and a total of 60 counties.

CW-In State Low Power

Coming in first for the Single-Op In-State CW-LP category is Dan, N3ND, operating from Granville County with a score of 109809 making 419 QSOs and bagging 42 counties. Coming in second was Vlad, N3CZ, operating in Buncombe County.   Vlad made a score of 108642, making 368 QSO’s and working a total of 60 counties.   Great job to the in-state CW ops! There were no High Power entries in the CW category in 2017.


The winner for this year in the Single-Op In-State Low Power Digital category is James, W4SDJ, operating in Cherokee County!   James racked up a score of 18964 points and worked 15 counties to take the title.   Second place was taken by Bill, N4GBK, operating from Perquimans County with a score of 11540  working 21 counties.

Out of State Single Operator

Phone-Low Power

The winner for this year’s Single-Op Out of State Phone category improved his second place score from 2016. He is WB2P, Ken, from New Jersey. Ken  made a total of 148 QSO’s and worked 74 counties for a grand total of 22,104 points.   Nipping at his heals was Brian, VA3QWW, in Ontario. Brian made a total of 110 QSO’s and worked 56 counties for a final score of 12,520 points!

CW-Low Power

The winner of the Single-Op Out of State CW Low Power category from Rhode Island is Bill, W1WBB. Bill earned a score of 15,003 points. Bill did that by making 99 QSO’s from 49 different counties. The runner up for the Single-Op Out of State CW Low Power category is Eldon in New Hampshire.  Eldon made a total of 87 QSO’s and worked 52 counties for a score of 14022. Great job to the out of state CW ops.

Digital-Low Power

Taking the number one spot for the Single-Op Out of State Digital category for the second year in a row is Bob, WB2COY, in New York. Bob had a final score of 1496 points and worked 18 counties. Coming in second for the Single-Op Out of State Digital category is Noel, CM8NMN, from Santiago de Cuba with a score of 216 points.

Mixed Low Power

Taking the gold for the Single-Op Out of State Mixed Low Power category is Dick, N4ARO, from Tennessee with a total of 147 QSO’s  in 68 counties for a score of 24980 points. For the second year in a row,the runner up for the Single-Op Out of State Mixed Low Power category is Dave, WN4AFP, the Chairman of the South Carolina QSO Party.  He earned a score of 23130 points by making 148 QSO’s with 62 different NC counties. Clearly those multipliers matter!

Mixed-High Power

The winner of the Single-Op Out of State Mixed High Power category is Mark, K1RO, from New Hampshire. Mark made a total of 321 QSO’s and worked 89 counties for a total of 69208 points! The runner up for the Single-Op Out of State Mixed High Power category is Laci Lazlo, OM2VL from the Slovak Republic. Laci worked 77 counties and made 235 QSO’s, for a score of 47239.


The winner of this Single-Op Out of State Mixed small signal category for the second year in a row is Tom, K3TW, located in Florida.   Tom made 118 QSO’s and worked 63 counties for a final score of 18,281 points.   The runner up for the Single-Op Out of State Mixed QRP category is John, K4FT, in Kentucky. Mike made 93 QSO’s and worked 49 counties for a score of 12,798 points!


This category is the fiercest of all. I can't tell you how many times I've been stopped at a hamfest by someone in such-and-such club to pick a bone with me about such-and-such club rule. Or to tell me they were at the operation of winning club such-and-such in years past. I’m happy to see such enthusiasm, as clubs are vital in NCQP!   (Names withheld to protect the innocent – HI!)

Phone-Low Power

Coming out as the top entry in the Club In-State Phone Low Power category this year is the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club NC4AR operating in Swain County. The folks at NC4AR were able to keep their title as the top Club In-State Phone entry for the third year with a score of 111,100 points. NC4AR had a total of 500 QSO’s and 64 counties. The Runner up this year for the Club In-State Phone category is the Onslow County Amateur Club NC4OC in Onslow County with 60296 points, 313 QSO’s and 60 counties.

Low Power Mixed Mode

The winner for the Club In-State Low Power category this year is The Cape Fear Amateur Radio Society K4MN operating in Cumberland County. CFARS came out ahead of the pack to keep their title as the top LP club entry for the third year.   K4MN ended up with a score of 190250 points and worked a total of 63 counties. Coming in second place for the In-State LP Club category is the Greensboro Amateur Radio Association W4GSO in Guilford County. GARA had a total score of 185720 points and worked 70 counties in NCQP this year.

High Power Mixed Mode

Coming in first for the Club In-State Mixed High Power category, is the North Carolina Kilo Watts NC4KW operating in Orange County! The operators at NC4KW were able to rack up a score of 423104 points and worked a total of 68 counties. The runner up for the Club In-State Mixed High Power category is N4PRS operating in Pamlico County. N4PRS had a score of 360 points and worked 11 counties.


Lone Ranger

The winner of the Mobile In-State Lone Ranger category is one of our senior participants Joe, K4REB. Joe, who claims to be pushing 80 years old, was able to activate 7 counties on his lonely mobile journey for the 2017 NCQP, attaining a score of 29196 points. Joe made 229 QSO’s and worked 33 counties. Surely, we all hope we can still do this when we are 80!  The runner up for the Mobile In-State Lone Ranger category is Jamey, NC0J. NC0J had a score of 12,250 points and worked 28 counties. Nice work by all of the lone ranger mobile operators!

Mixed Mode

The operation which takes the gold this year for the Mobile In-State Mixed category is that of Connie  operating as K5CM/M.  K5CM/M activated a total of 22 counties (wow!) For all of his hard work, he was able to earn a score of 251,692 points, making 1270 QSO’s and working a total of 22 counties. The runner up for the Mobile In-State category was N4CW/M with team Bert, N4CW, and Jim, W4TMO, who activated 27 counties and a score of 165,032 points. N4CW made 752 QSO’s.   Job well done to the mobile operators in this category!


Mixed Mode

For the second year in a row, the winner this year for the Expedition In-State Mixed category is the Jenkins family W4MGT operating in Warren County. The Steve and the clan was able to rack up a score of 95,001 points! W4MGT had a total of 349 QSO’s and worked 64 counties. Coming in second with a total of 41,086 was Don, KC4FJX, who's expedition was from Polk, working 54 counties.


For the Expedition In-State QRP category, AA4XX, Paul took the title operating from 6 counties! AA4XX had a total of 49307 points and worked a total of 44 counties. Coming in second for the Expedition In-State QRP category is K2JB, Dean, working in 4 counties. K2JB had a score of 26,536 points, working 35 counties. Great job to all the QRP expedition operators!

Other Awards

Top Score Canada

Congratulations go out to Mike, VE9AA for having the best score of our Canadian friends to the north.  Mike had 184 QSOs and 71 counties for a score of 34,672 for the top Canadian ham award.

Top Score DX

Laci, OM2VL, from the Slovak Republic, won the top DX prize with a score of 47,239 and worked 77 counties.

Bonus Stations

What more can we say about our bonus stations that already hasn't been said? But we're going to recognize them again for the work they do in providing interesting competition to the participants. This work is selfless as they, themselves, are removed from competition and make QSO's for the sheer love of it. The crew at the Battleship North Carolina keep coming back every year. I met these guys in 2013 and there isn't a better bunch to keep the fire lit in the ship’s radio room. Thanks guys!

The Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club was the host club for this year’s activation of W1VOA, the Voice of America.   That's the reason why you didn't see them in the standings. Kent Winrich, K9EZ, from Greensboro headed up the team and between him and Brighleaf put out a one-two punch for the QP!

The chairman himself and able assistant  IT guy Andy, AA9P, manned W4DW from Marty's home in Harnett for the first time this year.  These guys hammed it up for the weekend handing out 50 point bonuses to the participating ops.

We can't leave out our B&B expeditioner Marc, W4MPS, for his activation of NC4QP.  Marc, and his lovely XYL Eileen, trekked to Anson county to “rough it” a country estate there.  His activation was a “double bonus” in one QSO.  The county of Anson and NCQP, a first in NCQP history, were both worked at once if you were lucky enough to get in his log.  And many did!  How was the wine and 4 course breakfast Marc?

Thanks goes out to the expeditions and single ops in the bonus counties of Graham and Anson.  Both were well represented this year.

On to the Results!

It’s time now to present the Results and Soapbox. Click the links to read more about all that happened. Take your time and enjoy! A big thank you goes out to everyone who participated, and we invite you to mark your calendar for February 24 and 25, 2018 for the next Carolina weekend!

Previous Years' Results

2016  -  2015  -  2014  -  2013