Bonus Changes and ‘TARHEEL’ Spelling Bee

Bonus Changes and ‘TARHEEL’ Spelling Bee

2020 will be here before we know it and change is afoot for NCQP. Without beating around the bush I’ll just get right to it. The bonus stations W4DW, NI4BK, W1VOA, and NC4QP have been retired from their status as extra points in the scoring system. You will still hear these hallmark stations on the air, but they will be regular QSO points like all others. In addition, the two “bonus counties” will no longer be in play for any special scoring advantage. This is a big step we’re taking but we believe it’s the right direction in keeping NCQP vibrant and healthy for years to come.

Now for the exciting news. Replacing the old bonus system this year is a new “TARHEEL” Spelling Bee. Basically, seven special stations with 1×1 calls will be on the air during the entire 10 hour event. The letters in each of the call suffixes will spell out the word “TARHEEL”. The calls to look for are: N4T, W4A, N4R, N4H, N4E, W4E, and N4L.

Like the old bonus system, working these will get you an extra 50 points each (350 possible) plus an extra 200 for sweeping them all (550 total). This is added to your score after QSO’s and multipliers have been calculated.

Working a sweep will qualify you for a very nice personalized certificate that will be sent to you electronically. In addition, each op who achieves this will receive, free of charge, a commemorative coffee cup to celebrate their accomplishment. Kind of like the ARRL Sweepstakes clean sweep mug except NCQP picks up the tab. (Actually our great sponsors do that!)

The 1×1 bonus stations are already selected and have the special 1×1 calls assigned for March 1-2, 2020. We’ll let everyone know who they are after the event.

Good hunting, looking forward to hearing everyone on the air for NCQP 2020!

Marty / W4MY

NCQP Chairman

PS: There’s no need to make a separate application if you achieve the TARHEEL sweep. Logbot will get that out of your log when you submit it. Be sure to have your address correct in the Cabrillo header so your cup will come to the right place! We will also probably list the folks who got the sweep in the 2020 results.

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