2022 Activation Report

2022 Activation Report

83 of 100 North Carolina counties were activated during the event. We are posting a file which shows that distribution, including a breakdown of which counties were activated by Fixed and Mobile or Expedition stations. This data was derived from 554 logs submitted. That means that 17 counties were not activated during NCQP 2022. So, there are plenty of opportunities to activate rare or needed counties for our 2023 event in February. Start your plans now.

In addition to North Carolina, 43 U.S. states submitted logs for NCQP 2022. The top 10 were:
Virginia=25 / Texas=24 / Tennessee=22 / Florida=21 / New York=21 / South Carolina=19 / Ohio=18 / Pennsylvania=17 / Georgia=15 and Minnesota=14.
It should also be noted that our western states were well represented. For example, both Washington State and California each had 9 submissions. That’s great.

Five Canadian provinces were active. These included AB, BC, NB, ON, PE and QC.

Log submission were received from 9 DX countries which included:
Slovak Republic / Lithuania / Spain / Norway / Poland / Hungary / Germany / UK and Ukraine.

Our perennial top finisher, Laci OM2VL earned two First Place plaques in 2022 finishing #1 in the Single Op/Out-Of-State/Mixed/High Power (yes, he beat all U.S. entrants) and Top DX categories.

We will be having our organizational meeting for NCQP 2023 in October. So, stand by for our report following that. Should you have any recommendations, comments, criticisms, etc that you would like to bring to the Committee’s attention, please feel free to submit same to either myself:
Marc, W4MPS w4mps@nc.rr.com
Or Marty, W4MY w4my@reagan.com
so that we can include same on our agenda. All input is greatly appreciated.
Marc, W4MPS
NCQP Vice Chairman and Logs Analyst

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