
Bonus Stations for 2025 UPDATE

Bonus Stations for 2025 UPDATE

Everyone has been waiting for the Bonus station announcement for this year’s event. Here they are! Fifty extra points each for putting these call signs in your log.

K4MN Cape Fear ARS Cumberland County

WA4TRS The Roadshow ARC Buncombe County

W4YK Blue Ridge ARC Henderson County

K4EG Alamance ARC Alamance County

WA4J Watauga ARC Watauga County

W4YSB Ashe County ARC Ashe County

NI4BK Azalea Coast ARC New Hanover County

NC4OC Onslow ARC Onslow County

WW4DC East Davidson Repeater Group Montgomery County

W4DW Raleigh ARS Wake County

AA4RV Franklin County ARC Franklin County

Although not a bonus, NC4QP will be on the air also!

Thanks and good luck to all! 73

2025 Bonus Stations

2025 Bonus Stations

Greetings and Salutations to All!

In appreciation of the contributions our North Carolina amateur radio clubs make to NC QSO Party we are putting them front and center this year. The usual spelling bees with their 1×1 calls are put aside in favor of club call signs populating the air waves. We want as many of them as possible! So, what are we doing for 2025?

Club stations, who wish to participate, are the bonus stations! Both in and out of state ops who work a participating bonus club station get 50 extra points. We are not putting any limitation to the number of clubs that are a bonus, its just we have to go through a small process to get your club approved and on the bonus list ahead of time.

Club stations operate as they normally would, nothing special is required. The objective is just to get on the air and put out our usual North Carolina hospitality. Since there will be nothing extra for gaining a sweep, no need to cover all the modes if this isn’t usually done.

What are we looking for in a club that is eligible for this bonus status? -It be a club in North Carolina having regular public meetings and providing amateur radio service to the community; -It be open to all amateurs for membership, and; -It has officers, committees, members and a structure we are all familiar with serving amateur radio interests.

How does a cub get to be a bonus? Send an email to Marty, W4MY, at requesting to be a bonus station for 2025. Include the name of your club, call sign that will be used, a link to your website and any other information helpful in showing your club is of the type described above. You will get an answer as to your clubs bonus status and be listed prior to the contest if approved.

Of course, clubs are not REQUIRED to do this. We still want you to get on the air in the usual multi category nonetheless. But let me reiterate, your bonus status must be approved prior to the event. I’m putting a February 1, 2025 deadline on the request so we can prepare.

ONE MORE THING! This post is getting long, but one more important item. Participating bonus clubs will not be recused for competition! All the “bonus clubs” will be put in a new one-time category for 2025. Operating under the same rules as Multi-op/Mixed/Low Power these stations will be ranked with their score in the results and a first place plaque and second place certificate will be awarded. So this one time you can be a bonus and still compete!

Looking forward to hearing from the Clubs this year!

73 Marty W4MY

NCQP Chairman

FT-8/4 for 2025

FT-8/4 for 2025

The committee has been wrestling with this very popular digital mode for some time and not been able to get it integrated into the event. Other state QSO parties have tried with mixed results. We are going to explore from a different angle, as a separate event happening at the same time as NCQP. There’s more information to come, our IT guy Andy, AA9P, is spearheading it. For those interested, please stay tuned for more information to follow.

The purpose of this co-activity is to gauge interest and explore future possibilities of this mode for NCQP in future years.

A special activity will be tried using FT-8/4 mode this year. All stations may participate, but only NC stations are permitted to submit their special ADI log file for an award.

Stations make regular FT-8/4 QSOs as is customary in usual operation during the time frame and date of the regular NCQP contest. For NC stations only: Submit FT-8/4 log in ADI format separately using the special form to be set up on the NCQP website specially for this purpose.

DO NOT INCLUDE FT-8/4 QSOs in the regular Cabrillo log. Making QSOs in this activity does not change the category status of a station participating in the regular contest. (i.e., A single-op/CW/Low Power station DOES NOT go into the Mixed mode if they participate in this special activity)

The main purpose in NCQP is to have fun and we want to include those that enjoy this mode. We encourage everyone to DO BOTH if they want!

Clean Sweeps!

Clean Sweeps!

The following is a list of stations who have qualified for a Clean Sweep of all NCQP 2024 Bonus Stations, as of March 13, 2024. If you don’t see your callsign on this list, and feel you have qualified, please email  and we’ll double check your log.  Certificates will be issued to all qualifiers.

Log Deadline for 2024

Log Deadline for 2024

Just a reminder that logs are due March 11 at midnight, so be sure to get yours in! We’ve had a tremendous response this year and we want to be sure and include everyone that participated! Thanks again for the tremendous support of NCQP! …Marty W4MY

Bonus Update

Bonus Update

As promised, here is an update of the bonus lineup for this year’s QSO Party

N4RAL – Wake county home of Fin Gold, NC4FG, (Wake County) staffed mostly by members of the Raleigh Amateur Radio Club and guests. Note: they won’t be at a POTA park, but are representing RARS, the QSO Party sponsor. Thanks, Fin, for heading this up!

Work N4RAL and the other five for a clean sweep! All bonus stations will be QRV on both phone and CW.

Chairmans Message: New for 2024

Chairmans Message: New for 2024

We’re excited about the event coming up in a few months. Here are the highlights of the changes. Enjoy!

Bonus Theme for 2024

“North Carolina Outdoors”

We are encouraging hams to go outdoors portable or expedition style and get on the air! POTA is really getting big in NC and we want to challenge our in state activators to do their thing on Sunday, February 25, 2024. We see this as a way to get rarely activated counties on the air. Go to the website under the “County Activity” tab to view a great list of POTA parks by NC County. Spend the day at your POTA honey-spot no matter where you might live! That said, this is not a POTA event. Therefore, the “Outdoors” spot you pick does not have to be a POTA sanctioned place. A city park, private park, etc. is OK for NCQP. There’s no reason, though, a POTA activator can’t go to a recognized park and make their operation a “two-fer” a POTA and NCQP!

Work the bonus stations that will be on the air operating Phone and CW modes from a North Carolina (POTA) park as follows:

N4AMW – Carl Sandburg Home, National Historic Site, Flat Rock, NC, N4AMW Op.

N4W – Wright Brothers National Memorial, Kitty Hawk, NC, W4MPS Op.

N4A – Alamance Battleground, Alamance County, N4MIO Op.

NI4BK – USS North Carolina Battleship Memorial, Wilmington, NC ACARC, W4MY Ops.

NC4QP – Goose Creek State Park,, Beaufort County, W4TTX/K4RLC Ops.

N4RAL – QTH TBD, Raleigh Amateur Radio Society, Raleigh, NC*

*Will be updated when known

Expedition and Portable Categories

Please take the opportunity to read the new descriptions of these categories if they apply to you. There have been some small, but significant, changes. First thing you will notice is the name change. We brought back the name “Expedition” to describe the classic scenario of going out and setting up your station outside “Field Day” style. There are some new restrictions (no mobile equipment) to better level the playing field. Maximum simultaneous transmitters was reduced to one.

The name “Portable” is now reserved for a kind of new operation style that we see the need to accommodate. Many POTA activators who (for example) travel to a park expeditiously deploy their radio equipment using a combination of mobile radios and quick setup antennas. After making the desired QSO’s, they pack up quickly and travel to a new QTH doing it again. Its sort of a “no restriction” category where you get on the air with just about anything, move quickly and tak advantage of working everyone again in a new county. One transmitter only here also, and no QSO’s are to be made while in motion.

100 NC Counties on the Air

Our desire is always to light up North Carolina with as many of our friendly hams as possible for a day. It’s never been a disappointment! I am frequently amazed and humbled by our level of participation. That said, we always are trying to think of new ways to get all of out 100 counties represented.

NC Weather

With all the emphasis this year on the “outdoors” the issue of weather is always in the front of our minds. February is in the middle of winter and that’s always a concern. Over the years we’ve had snow, rain, fog, freezing temps, warm temps, clear skies… no telling what’s in store. But whatever it turns out to be, we NC hams are a hearty bunch! Minnesota, with their QSO party in the dead of winter (Feb 3), has nothing on us! At least they can depend on ice, snow, and sub-zero temps, we never know what we are going to get!

Make your plans!

Think about what you want to do this year and gather up your plans. Please announce your activation, on the website (/map/create.php) whether operating at home as a single/multi-op, or outside with the new Portable or classic Expedition categories. Of course, we always want our Mobiles out there also!

See you in the pile-ups



The North Carolina QSO Party committee will be supporting the statewide NC POTA event on September 9-10, 2023

We have been asked by the event organizer to field several stations using our club callsign NC4QP . Those stations will be bonus stations for the event. We currently have four NC4QP stations scheduled to be on the air from various POTA parks over that weekend. Look for Spots and Activation notices which will be posted on the POTA website under the “POTA Spots” tab near the top of the main page.

Each station will post using designators: NC4QP/r01 NC4QP/r02 NC4QP/r03, etc. So, when you contact one of our stations, make sure you have the correct Park # in your log as there may be 4 NC4QP stations on the air at any given time. We should be operating CW, SSB and FT8. This should be a fun event and we’re happy to help. So mark your calendars and join in.


2023 Results are In!

2023 Results are In!

2023 is now official! Take a look at the Results page. We’ve worked hard to get them out as soon as possible. Winner or not in any of the categories, congratulations! If you do get a plaque this year, double high five for you, a really special treat is coming, they look fabulous! The draft orders for printing are on the way to JNS as we speak to be made. As soon as all the winners have theirs we’ll post a picture here. Marc did a super job with the design this year Now that we’ve switched over to making the plaques using the sublimation printing process the result will be nothing short of awe inspiring.

Lets not leave out Dwayne’s design of the second place certificates. He’s got that process nailed and they look great! We still put those in the snail mail, a frame quality document worthy of the achievement.

Click over to the RESULTS tab and have a look! Enjoy! And, as always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments about this or any other subject.

73 Marty W4MY NCQP Chairman