Chairman’s Challenge

Chairman’s Challenge

To celebrate five years of North and South Carolina QSO party synergy Chairmen Marty, W4MY, (North Carolina) and Dave, WN4AFP (South Carolina) are teaming up to operate very special bonus stations for the QSO parties this year.

The two head honcho’s are teaming up to activate and operate Bonus Station WN4AFP/W4MY as a full weekend bonus. The Chairmen will be the ops. When you you work this bonus it will be either Dave or Marty.  (And maybe a helper on digital in NCQP.)  In addition to being in the slate of bonus stations, there are some additional perks offered to those that get these guys in their log.

Working this bonus station (one QSO in NCQP, and one in SCQP – and submitting your log to each appropriately) puts you in a the hat for a very special drawing. The two state QSO Party committees are sponsoring a $200 ham radio store gift certificate to go to the winner. This is open to both In-State and Out-of-State Single-Ops and In-State Mobiles who submit logs to both North and South Carolina QSO parties.

It will be a test of ability and endurance for both Marty and Dave to be QRV from two states over the one weekend. But they are up to it and looking forward to working everyone as a way to express their appreciation for everyone’s support and participation.

Oh, one more thing, the application process will be just like the “CAROLINA” spelling bee this past year.  Just go on line and fill out the form after you submit your logs. (Link to the form will be put on the log submission page when its ready)

Work call signs WN4AFP in Saturday’s SCQP and W4MY on Sunday in NCQP.  We look forward to hearing you on the air! 73

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