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Author: Marty Young W4MY

Chairman’s Message for 2022

Chairman’s Message for 2022

The contesting season is opening up with a big bang this year as we see the sun waking up! Its been a long time coming and by February it should be even better. I was reminded during CQWW/SSB a few weeks ago that Europeans do, in fact, have frequency privileges on 10 meters!

So, what’s new with the QSO Party? The website is updated for 2022, we’ve added some structure to the committee, new spelling bee bonus, Marc has the new Facebook group going, and, of course, this will be the first year sans paper logs. Lets dive right in!

I do want to mention that we received a record number of logs last year in no small part due to the support and dedication of all participants, but especially to our NC ops. I just want to put out a “Job Well Done” to those that got on the air and submitted a log last year. Check out the website and make your plans for 2022, we’re looking forward to even better!

Some housekeeping was in order this year in the committee personnel. Steve, W4MGT, has taken over the website administration job, and started out as a WordPress novice. But, no longer. What a great job he has done and has taken to it like a fish to water. Thanks Steve! Marc, W4MPS, our tried and true logs manager, was promoted to “Vice Chairman” status. A new NCQP advisory committee will consist of three non voting members of the amateur radio community with experience holding positions of leadership. They will be our “consultants” when issues arise needing a broader spectrum of knowledge and experience. The process of forming is going on now and it should be in place by next February. As time goes on, we want to ensure the long term viability of NCQP irrespective of who is in the office.

The spelling bee bonus has been a tremendous hit in the past and we’ve got another great one lined up for 2022. The word is “DUKE” this year in keeping with the Tarheel and Wolfpack college theme. What is everyone’s opinion for having Appalachian State’s Yosef for 2023? Anyway, the ops are already lined up and 1×1 call signs secured for the event. NC4QP will also be QRV this year rounding out the bonus situation. Don’t want to give away who the op or ops will be for that, but I hope my fist holds up under all the activity! 😉

Marc has spearheaded the move away from the general social media Facebook site in favor of “Facebook Groups” See the W4MPS post on this blog earlier. Its a more private group of those that are interested, much in the vein of our e-mail reflector list of yesteryear. I think its a good move.

It was well announced that 2021 was our last year accepting paper logs. We encouraged everyone who was still using paper to work on making the transition. Out of 598 logs received last year, only a handful were paper. It looks like everyone is making the effort to get changed over. If you are one of those in this small minority that are using paper, we still want to accept your log. You’ll have to help us out this year by using the link on the right sidebar “Create Cabrillo File from Paper Log” and then upload the new file. Thank you for your support in doing this!

I hope everyone and their respective families have a safe and prosperous holiday season. Please be sure to upload your NCQP plans to the website using the County Activities tab and form once you know what you’ll be doing. It really helps everyone out.

And finely, last but not least, thank you to all of our sponsors who make all of this happen. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning the rules, strategy, or anything else. I’m good on

73 Marty W4MY

NCQP Chairman

NCQP Facebook Group

NCQP Facebook Group

From the desk of Marc, W4MPS, NCQP Logs Manager…

Our new Facebook Groups page is up and running. Please go to Facebook Groups and sign up under North Carolina QSO Party. Our Facebook Groups page will be used to exchange the very latest information about our QSO Party and will also serve as a meeting place to share information about Activations and Mobile routes, spotting, requested QSO’s, skeds, equipment, antennas, etc. This will also serve as an excellent venue to post Soapbox comments as well as photographs and videos (keep ‘em coming). You’ll also see articles and adventure stories submitted by our valiant and intrepid QRM warriors. I’ll be posting several from last year’s event which I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading. So please take advantage of this resource. I think you’ll find it very helpful and useful. See you down the log in NCQP 2022.

The 2021 Results are In!

The 2021 Results are In!

Go to the Results page and have a look! It was a record year receiving and processing 598 logs! That and the WOLFPACK Spelling Bee kept us very busy.

One important note is the winner of the $150 GigaParts gift card. James (Rodney) Bridgers, N4BNO, of Elm City, NC stayed on 20M long enough to get 256 Q’s there plus one on 10M; enough to win this prize. Good job Rod!

Plaques, certificates, and the gift card are all in the works now and will be mailed out or delivered in person as soon as they are available.


Chairman’s Random Thoughts for this Year’s Running

Chairman’s Random Thoughts for this Year’s Running

Preparations are complete and NCQP is on GO! From what I can see on the announcements so far the mobile category should be an interesting one. Lets hope the weather cooperates in the west to allow for safe passage through the mountains. And if you haven’t announced your operation, please take a minute to do so. Its an easy form to fill out here: Click on “Report Your Operation Here”

Pay close attention to 20 meters and above. The out of state ops further away are looking for QSO’s and there’s always a good number of them, including DX stations looking for those NC counties to work. For those of us in state ops there’s a $150 gift card to GiggaParts up for grabs to the station that works the highest number of QSO’s on 20 and above. Call CQ! You never know who’s out there!

As you probably already know, this is the last year we’ll be accepting paper logs, so now may be the time to get your feet wet into computer logging for a “dry run” I’m sure there are many willing to help with that if you need it. Check out Kenn’s YouTube video (link in the sidebar) on converting your paper log to Cabrillo if that’s the route you go.

I think we are out of the doldrums of the last solar minimum so I’m expecting allot of activity this year. Also, check out those mobiles, that is going to heat up with a visit to the west by our good neighbors from Georgia. I’ve gotten allot of questions from folks going outdoors on an expedition. That seems to be the thing to do in these times we find ourselves. Be sure to announce yourselves on the cool NCQP map (link above) to get everyone cued up to work you.

I’d like to welcome the new In-State ops who have moved in to NC this past year. I’ve received many great questions from them and I’m glad to see we’ll be lighting up some of the more rare counties where they live.

We’ve got great ops lined up for the WOLFPACK spelling bee! Some you will recognize from past years (ahemm..Yours’ Truly, HI 😉 and some are brand new. Good Luck with your Sweep. We got 82 last year.

As I always say, thank you for your continued participation and support of this event. Go out there this Sunday and make North Carolina proud!

Marty W4MY

NCQP Chairman

Changes for 2021

Changes for 2021

Its that time when we start gearing up for 2021. I hope you are making your plans for that activation, Multi, or Expedition. It will be here before you know it. Helping you do that is my job, so let me point out some of the significant changes this year.

First, here is the date:

1500 UTC February 28, 2021 to 0100 UTC March 1, 2021. (10 am to 8 pm EST on February 28, 2021). All stations may operate the entire contest period. Logs are due March 15. And, this will be the last year for paper logs. We held out as long as we could. Its time. If you are still using paper while operating, that’s fine. Its just each participant will be responsible in 2022 for getting it into the acceptable electronic form when submitting the results to us.

We’ve made some changes to the categories, hopefully for the better. There is now a high and low power category for each of the Phone, CW, and Mixed modes. Remember, when we added high power five years ago, you could only do it if you were mixed. No more. If you want to operate CW high power, for example, go for it! This applies to both in and out of state ops. Mobile, Expeditions, and the Digital mode still have lower power restrictions, so be sure to read those rules carefully if that applies to you. We made some other small changes to the categories removing the out-of-state Multi-Op as well.

SOMETHING BRAND NEW, PLEASE READ: A GigaParts gift card in the amount of $150 will go to the In-State entrant, in any category, who makes the most combined QSO’s on 20, 15, and 10 meters. These are QSO’s that otherwise qualify for score credit in the submitted log (Duplicates don’t count, for example.) I know its only for in state ops, so for those of you out of state don’t be disillusioned. This is going to keep the NC ops on the upper bands longer and trying harder to reach you guys and gals that are further away. Maybe we’ll have some out-of-state plaque winners from the upper mid west or New England this year! Please see the rules for complete details.

The point system is staying the same. Its worth noting that the Maritime change the ARRL made this year segregating out Prince Edward Island (PE) doesn’t apply to us. PEI and the other small northeast provinces of Canada have always been their own multiplier in our contest.

There’s a new Spelling Bee Bonus. “WOLFPACK” We are giving equal time from Tarheel last year. Duke fans, don’t worry, 2022 is coming before you know it! Same system, 50 points each 1×1 call you work. 200 more points if you sweep and you get a certificate.

We said good-by to former committee member Bill Turner, W4WNT, who resigned. Bill’s not finished, look for him to be activating Union county for a good time to come. We welcome Steve Jenkins, W4MGT, to the committee of “Jenkins Family plaque winner” reputation. We had to save the wood from a few trees by taking Steve out of the running! Seriously though, Steve brings to the table a wealth of NCQP Expedition experience as well as his background in automation and programming. This will provide depth, backup, and help to Andy as needed to keep NCQP operating smoothly and efficiently.

Dwayne is now in the process of collecting sponsorships from the previous year’s donors. We always give them first shot. I think with the category expansion there may be some openings. Any remaining to be sponsored by December 31 will be up for grabs. If you or your club is interested in participating in this let Dwayne Ayers, N4MIO, know about it.

Under miscellaneous changes, 25 QSOs are now required to be in your log in order for us to give you an award if you win anything. When you participate and submit your log, make sure it has 25 QSOs in it and you’ll be good to go.

And lastly (and I intentionally saved this for last) is the FT-8 issue. I know that’s all digital uses nowadays, or some variant of it. We spent a significant amount of time during the committee meeting discussing how we could include it in the authorized digital modes. We looked at how Nevada did it using the “Field Day” contest mode by transposing the meaning of the FD exchange. We agonized over it, but in the end, it just doesn’t fit into the spirit of a “QSO Party”. So, when there is a more generalized contest mode available for FT-8 that suits a QSO Party, we’ll incorporate it. Until then, PSK and RTTY is still an authorized mode. Remember, NCQP is in the minority of state QSO Parties that authorize any sort of digital mode. I personally believe, and the committee agrees, that digital is a legitimate QSO Party mode when its used in the spirit of two way communication over the air between two living, breathing parties.

Hopefully I have helped in forming your plans for 2021. I look forward to working everyone on the air the last day of February coming up. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the rules, suggestions, or anything else.

Very 73 to all. Marty Young, W4MY, NCQP Chairman



Meet the Spelling Bee Bonus Volunteers

First off, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to the ops that manned the 1×1 Spelling Bee bonus operations. They willingly removed themselves from the competition to give out QSOs. 4, 838 QSOs to be exact, averaging over just shy of 700 each! That works out to be over one a minute for each of the seven during the entire ten hour period! Whew!

We kept the identity of these seven stations under wraps in the weeks prior to the event to add to the allure, but now I’d like to give proper acknowledgement. Here they are in spelling order:


Marty Young, W4MY, Bob Sarkenburg, W4TTX, and David Burt, W4OTO operating from Marty’s QTH in Harnet county. Yes, this dream team included your chairman! We all had a great time!


Nate Moreschi, N4YDU, operating from Franklin County. Nate is a QSO machine and veteran WRTC op. Needless to say, Nate got the most QSOs of the seven Tarheel operations where he alone made 30% of all the bonus station QSOs.


Team N4R consisted of K2JB, Dean Blair, and W4PH, Howard Hazelrigg who lit up Buncombe county in a big way. I knew these guys would have a great time as a bonus station as whenever I run into Howard at a hamfest he is always passionate about telling me their NCQP expedition stories and plans. And they are no stranger to being in the outdoors with their radio equipment with the many SOTA expeditions they have survived!


Jim Jordan, K4QPL, and Tad Danley, K3TD, took N4E to the road giving out bonus points from 14 different counties in North Carolina. Jim is a big CW contester with PVRC. When I asked Jim to do this he graciously agreed to put in some time on SSB and that was right in Tad’s wheelhouse. So this team had a good one-two punch on these two modes. Good job guys!


Our own committee Logs Manager/Data Analyst Marc Sullivan, W4MPS, took on this important letter of the alphabet operating in a very interesting way. He doesn’t have any antennas at his actual QTH but rather operated remotely connecting to the Knightlights, WQ4RP, conclave Excalibur II in rural Wake county. Paul Stroud, AA4XX, curator of that station made it available to Marc for this special event and thanks go out to both.


Dwayne Ayers, N4MIO, was W4E representing Alamance county. Dwayne and I go way back running into each other at hamfests, prior to 2013 when I started my tenure as chairman, bantering about NCQP. Dwayne’s passion for NCQP is second (arguably) only to mine! Thanks buddy!


Vlado Karamitrov, N3CZ, from Ashville is a multiple NCQP plaque winner. When it comes to cranking out QSOs, Vlado can do it! When I asked if he was willing to give up the opportunity for another plaque to be a bonus station, Vlado said, “Anything to help NC QSO Party!” And help he did with 776 contacts!

Again, Thank You TARHEEL stations for making the spelling a tremendous success! Here’s how they did:


Bonus Changes and ‘TARHEEL’ Spelling Bee

Bonus Changes and ‘TARHEEL’ Spelling Bee

2020 will be here before we know it and change is afoot for NCQP. Without beating around the bush I’ll just get right to it. The bonus stations W4DW, NI4BK, W1VOA, and NC4QP have been retired from their status as extra points in the scoring system. You will still hear these hallmark stations on the air, but they will be regular QSO points like all others. In addition, the two “bonus counties” will no longer be in play for any special scoring advantage. This is a big step we’re taking but we believe it’s the right direction in keeping NCQP vibrant and healthy for years to come.

Now for the exciting news. Replacing the old bonus system this year is a new “TARHEEL” Spelling Bee. Basically, seven special stations with 1×1 calls will be on the air during the entire 10 hour event. The letters in each of the call suffixes will spell out the word “TARHEEL”. The calls to look for are: N4T, W4A, N4R, N4H, N4E, W4E, and N4L.

Like the old bonus system, working these will get you an extra 50 points each (350 possible) plus an extra 200 for sweeping them all (550 total). This is added to your score after QSO’s and multipliers have been calculated.

Working a sweep will qualify you for a very nice personalized certificate that will be sent to you electronically. In addition, each op who achieves this will receive, free of charge, a commemorative coffee cup to celebrate their accomplishment. Kind of like the ARRL Sweepstakes clean sweep mug except NCQP picks up the tab. (Actually our great sponsors do that!)

The 1×1 bonus stations are already selected and have the special 1×1 calls assigned for March 1-2, 2020. We’ll let everyone know who they are after the event.

Good hunting, looking forward to hearing everyone on the air for NCQP 2020!

Marty / W4MY

NCQP Chairman

PS: There’s no need to make a separate application if you achieve the TARHEEL sweep. Logbot will get that out of your log when you submit it. Be sure to have your address correct in the Cabrillo header so your cup will come to the right place! We will also probably list the folks who got the sweep in the 2020 results.

Category Changes

Category Changes

Since I’ve been NCQP chairman the second most asked question to me was, “…why doesn’t NCQP have (a) multi-op category(s)?” My answer has always been that that is taken care of by our club categories and expedition to a lessor extent.

Well, that’s changing. For In-State operators 2019 was the last year for all of the club categories. Essentially, they are being replaced by new multi-2 categories Mixed-LP, Mixed-HP, and SSB-LP. Any group, in or out of state, using any call can have up to two simultaneous signals now. Club groups can certainly enter one of these new categories as they always have done, but now they are sharing entry and competition with any group wishing to compete similarly.

In-State ops note there is no change to the expedition or mobile category. All the old rules are still intact. One transmitted signal maximum regardless of how many folks are in the group. This doesn’t mean a group wanting to do a multi-2 can’t go on an expedition and set up Field Day style. It’s just that they would enter as a Multi-2 and not have the benefits of an Expedition class (i.e., moving to a new county.) So its a strategy decision we’re leaving to the participants.

Check the 2020 rules if you have a group that wants to enter a multi-2 log in the next NCQP. I look forward to working many of the new groups next year.

Marty / W4MY

NCQP Chairman

Worked Most Counties Changes

Worked Most Counties Changes

Working all 100 North Carolina counties in a 10 hour period is a very overwhelming and difficult task. In the past few years a couple ops have approached working 80% of them. Of course, all 100 counties must be activated and on the air in order for a sweep to even be possible. This is where our expeditions and mobiles play a critical roll. There are quite a few NC counties with almost no active hams residing in them.

We are ramping up our effort to get all 100 counties on the air and changing the county award. No more “Worked most counties” awards. We’re going for broke. The award is for a 100 county Sweep. To my knowledge, this has never been done since NCQP started in the early 70’s. The first person to achieve a full NC county sweep will receive a very fancy (read: expensive!) plaque with annotation it being THE FIRST EVER NC county sweep. Second, a $100 cash prize, and third, I will travel to anywhere in the continental USA to personally present your award before your peers at your local club meeting or time of your choosing.

This is a huge deal for us on the committee and we are all looking forward to the day this FIRST award is presented. To help this along, a few small, but important, rule changes are being made. Every In-State op can count the county they make their QSOs from as part of the sweep (only 99 more!) Expeditions, mobiles; same thing applies. Each county operated from checks off the sweep total regardless if you made a QSO to someone else in the county from which you were physically in operating.

Note these “county credits” only apply to adjudicating the status of your sweep. Score multiplier rules are unchanged. Mults are only posted and calculated in your points for your operating county if you actually work someone else who is there also.

Marty / W4MY

NCQP Chairman

PS: In the rare situation we have more than one “sweep” next year, #1 will be given to the op who completes it first during the event. Lets hope we have that problem!

The 2019 Results are in!

The 2019 Results are in!

Another one is in the books! Go to the Results tab above to see the 2019 Results. The plaques are currently at the engraver getting done and will be sent out soon. Congratulations to all the winners. Second place certificates will be going out shortly also. Thanks again to everyone for making NCQP and The Carolina Weekend a spectacular success!