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Author: Marty Young W4MY

Category Changes

Category Changes

Since I’ve been NCQP chairman the second most asked question to me was, “…why doesn’t NCQP have (a) multi-op category(s)?” My answer has always been that that is taken care of by our club categories and expedition to a lessor extent.

Well, that’s changing. For In-State operators 2019 was the last year for all of the club categories. Essentially, they are being replaced by new multi-2 categories Mixed-LP, Mixed-HP, and SSB-LP. Any group, in or out of state, using any call can have up to two simultaneous signals now. Club groups can certainly enter one of these new categories as they always have done, but now they are sharing entry and competition with any group wishing to compete similarly.

In-State ops note there is no change to the expedition or mobile category. All the old rules are still intact. One transmitted signal maximum regardless of how many folks are in the group. This doesn’t mean a group wanting to do a multi-2 can’t go on an expedition and set up Field Day style. It’s just that they would enter as a Multi-2 and not have the benefits of an Expedition class (i.e., moving to a new county.) So its a strategy decision we’re leaving to the participants.

Check the 2020 rules if you have a group that wants to enter a multi-2 log in the next NCQP. I look forward to working many of the new groups next year.

Marty / W4MY

NCQP Chairman

Worked Most Counties Changes

Worked Most Counties Changes

Working all 100 North Carolina counties in a 10 hour period is a very overwhelming and difficult task. In the past few years a couple ops have approached working 80% of them. Of course, all 100 counties must be activated and on the air in order for a sweep to even be possible. This is where our expeditions and mobiles play a critical roll. There are quite a few NC counties with almost no active hams residing in them.

We are ramping up our effort to get all 100 counties on the air and changing the county award. No more “Worked most counties” awards. We’re going for broke. The award is for a 100 county Sweep. To my knowledge, this has never been done since NCQP started in the early 70’s. The first person to achieve a full NC county sweep will receive a very fancy (read: expensive!) plaque with annotation it being THE FIRST EVER NC county sweep. Second, a $100 cash prize, and third, I will travel to anywhere in the continental USA to personally present your award before your peers at your local club meeting or time of your choosing.

This is a huge deal for us on the committee and we are all looking forward to the day this FIRST award is presented. To help this along, a few small, but important, rule changes are being made. Every In-State op can count the county they make their QSOs from as part of the sweep (only 99 more!) Expeditions, mobiles; same thing applies. Each county operated from checks off the sweep total regardless if you made a QSO to someone else in the county from which you were physically in operating.

Note these “county credits” only apply to adjudicating the status of your sweep. Score multiplier rules are unchanged. Mults are only posted and calculated in your points for your operating county if you actually work someone else who is there also.

Marty / W4MY

NCQP Chairman

PS: In the rare situation we have more than one “sweep” next year, #1 will be given to the op who completes it first during the event. Lets hope we have that problem!

The 2019 Results are in!

The 2019 Results are in!

Another one is in the books! Go to the Results tab above to see the 2019 Results. The plaques are currently at the engraver getting done and will be sent out soon. Congratulations to all the winners. Second place certificates will be going out shortly also. Thanks again to everyone for making NCQP and The Carolina Weekend a spectacular success!

We’re Ready to Go!

We’re Ready to Go!

Hope everyone has been thinking about their planned activity for this year and are ready to proceed. Its only a short time to go!

You’ve probably noticed some changes to the scoring of digital QSOs. They are worth 5 points now. A big incentive to get on this exciting mode. This should stir up some interesting results in the mixed categories for those who make use of Digital extensively. We’ll see how it goes!

Speaking of Digital, there have been a number of questions concerning the new WSJT-X (FT-8) software in the new “contest” mode recently added. Unfortunately, state QSO parties are not yet supported. After much research and discussion by our committee I’ve been asked not to recommend this mode be used by our digital ops. I’m not against any legal digital mode be used in NCQP as long as the QSO exchange requirements be met. Unfortunately, as I understand it, WSJT-X can’t do it, at least not yet. Maybe 2020 will be the year. I’m recommending the “old fashioned” PSK and RTTY for now.

Please pass the word to everyone you know to get on the air sometime Sunday, Feb 24 from 10am to 8pm and help put North Carolina on the radio map. Call CQ as much as you can, or dare, there will be plenty of folks out in the either looking for us. And turn in your log when you get done.

As a bonus, work the SC chairmman Dave Edmonds, WN4AFP, on Saturday Feb 23 and me, W4MY, on Sunday, submit your log to both SCQP and NCQP, and your call gets put in the hat for a $200 HRO gift card drawing! Can’t beat that!

See you guys on the air!

Marty / W4MY Chairman

Chairman’s Challenge

Chairman’s Challenge

To celebrate five years of North and South Carolina QSO party synergy Chairmen Marty, W4MY, (North Carolina) and Dave, WN4AFP (South Carolina) are teaming up to operate very special bonus stations for the QSO parties this year.

The two head honcho’s are teaming up to activate and operate Bonus Station WN4AFP/W4MY as a full weekend bonus. The Chairmen will be the ops. When you you work this bonus it will be either Dave or Marty.  (And maybe a helper on digital in NCQP.)  In addition to being in the slate of bonus stations, there are some additional perks offered to those that get these guys in their log.

Working this bonus station (one QSO in NCQP, and one in SCQP – and submitting your log to each appropriately) puts you in a the hat for a very special drawing. The two state QSO Party committees are sponsoring a $200 ham radio store gift certificate to go to the winner. This is open to both In-State and Out-of-State Single-Ops and In-State Mobiles who submit logs to both North and South Carolina QSO parties.

It will be a test of ability and endurance for both Marty and Dave to be QRV from two states over the one weekend. But they are up to it and looking forward to working everyone as a way to express their appreciation for everyone’s support and participation.

Oh, one more thing, the application process will be just like the “CAROLINA” spelling bee this past year.  Just go on line and fill out the form after you submit your logs. (Link to the form will be put on the log submission page when its ready)

Work call signs WN4AFP in Saturday’s SCQP and W4MY on Sunday in NCQP.  We look forward to hearing you on the air! 73

Working County Lines

Working County Lines

For 2019 there has been some changes and clarifications in the rules for Mobiles and Expeditions who work from county lines.  As before, two counties can be worked in one QSO and logged by each as two entries in the Cabrillo.  What’s new is that ONLY ONE county line (thus two counties) can be done this way.  Three or more simultaneously is not allowed.  You can do this as many times as you want moving to a new county line, just ONLY TWO counties at a time in one QSO.

Also, what constitutes being in two counties simultaneously has been clarified.  If  you are planning an in-state mobile or expedition on a county line, be sure you read these new provisions in the 2019 rules and proceed accordingly.   We are planning to strictly enforce these new county line provisions.

We are now requiring that the mobile vehicle or expedition setup be physically in the two counties, no exceptions.  What constitutes knowing that is referenced in MARAC as follows:


County Line (see Wet County Line)

A County Line is the legally defined boundary between two USA Counties. A marker or sign usually identifies this boundary; however, some County Line markers are located close to, but not on, the actual surveyed boundary. For purposes of contacts for MARAC Awards, the official government County Line marker or sign is deemed to be on the County Line boundary except where there is a Wet County Line. A mobile may (but is not required to) use a more accurate method of determining the location of a County Line boundary, such as a survey map or global positioning system (GPS). On secondary roadways or country lanes, other County Line markers may be found, such as a livestock gate, cattle guard, or a monument placed in the fence line. A change in the composition of the roadway surface may also be an indication of a County Line boundary. When no other means of identifying a County Line is available, these markers may be used.


We are requiring that ops that do county line operations keep a record of their method of determining the county line.  Taking a digital pic of important landmarks with your vehicle and/or operation in it,  GPS screenshots with Google Earth coordinates of county lines, etc.  You’re not required to submit this information with your log, but the committee may ask for it as part of our audit we do every year before publishing the final results.

Remember, driving and safety are the #1 job of any mobile and expedition!

See you in the pile-ups!  73  Marty / W4MY

Joanne Mars AA3N

Joanne Mars AA3N

A big THANK YOU goes out to Joanne Mars, AA3N, for her service on the NCQP committee.  2018 was Joanne’s last year of the four years she served.  We will be consolidating her role as Clubs Manager.  We wish you the best, Joanne!  Marty / W4MY


Photos and Movies of Your 2018 Operation

Photos and Movies of Your 2018 Operation

Please give us Photos and/or Videos of your NCQP 2018 operation!  You can post photos to the NCQP Facebook page or the Yahoo Groups site. That’s probably easiest.   We also have a Flickr page:

For larger files, like raw video, email Marc at: and he’ll give you his DropBox account info.  Photos or videos submitted do not have to be studio quality, nor do videos have to be edited.  We’ll work on editing the images and videos when received.  If there’s any question about how to get something to Marc, just email him at the address above.

NC/SC Spelling Bee

NC/SC Spelling Bee

New to the 2018 North Carolina QSO Party is the “CAROLINA” Spelling Bee.  Simply put, work counties in North and South Carolina where the first letter of the county name is contained in “CAROLINA”  After all the letters are worked, you are eligible for a great certificate designed by our own NCQP artist  extraordinaire, Marc, W4MPS, and be entered into a random drawing for a fabulous prize.  Here are the particulars:

Work at least one QSO in each of the 8 required counties where the first letter of the county name is contained in the word “CAROLINA

There are two A’s so there must be two different counties worked starting with the letter “A”

Counties included are all 146 from NC and SC.  Your 8 letters can be all from one state or mixture of both.

You must participate in NC and SC parties and submit your regular log electronically via the website(s) to both.  Even if all your 8 counties are in one state, you still must submit a log to both in order to be eligible.   When submitting, click the link on the log upload page and fill out the electronic form.  You will be asked which 8 counties you worked and your contact information.

Your personal certificate will be emailed to you in PDF format for printing or archiving at your discretion.  You will also be entered into a random drawing for a $50 gift card for the Wireman!  Winner will be announced at the time of results posting.

Have fun and see you in the event February 25!  Marty / W4MY