
CW Spelling Bee Sweep

CW Spelling Bee Sweep

The present spelling bee bonus award system of the NC QSO Party has turned out to be very popular since its inception a few years ago. Whenever I am out and about talking with fellow QSO party hams I always hear proud stories of clean sweeps or the agony of the one that got away. Your NCQP committee expends good effort in organizing and balancing the spelling bee in such a way it is available and elusive at the same time making the game an enjoyable one. A very unfortunate issue has come to our attention and I want to address it right away. Bonus station N4T (New Hanover county) did not field a CW operation. It was not possible for anyone in one of the CW only categories to accomplish a clean sweep.

The first thing everyone should know is that we on the committee are aware of the situation and have verified that the rumors of N4T’s CW absence are correct. Many ideas have been kicked around on how to mitigate the damage and all committee members have contributed in just this short of time. I will just pare it down to whats going to happen. Rest assured steps have been identified so this doesn’t happen again.

  1. No rule or scoring changes will take place. Those in other categories than CW only will receive what they earn, sweep bonus (if applicable) etc. CW only categories will not receive the sweep bonus but since this applies to everyone in that category its a level playing field. Bonus credit is still given for each individual bonus worked.
  2. Sweep certificates will be automatically e-mailed to all non CW category entrants who earned it. CW only entrants who worked five out of the six possible can receive a certificate also in recognition of working every possible bonus station available to them.

To those entering one of the CW only categories, and to those that made a last minute decision to go mixed mode in order to work N4T on phone, please accept my sincere apology. I bare the responsibility of this miss step and promise to take corrective action so it doesn’t happen again.

As I say often, we appreciate each and every NCQP participant who gets on the air whatever mode it may be in this great hobby of ours.

Marty Young W4MY

NCQP Chairman

Win a trip to Turks and Caicos

Win a trip to Turks and Caicos

*** NEWS FLASH ***

Win a trip to Turks and Caicos Islands at Harbour Rock Villa – VP5M. To encourage mobile operations in NCQP 2023, Jim Jordan, K4QPL/VP5M, has set aside two raffle tickets for a one week stay at their 6 room, fully amateur radio equipped villa in VP5-land. The raffle prize is worth approximately $5,000, and will be awarded at the 2023 DX Dinner at the Dayton Hamvention.

One raffle ticket will go to the highest scoring In-State (home QTH) mobile finisher. The other raffle ticket will go to the highest scoring Out-Of-State (home QTH) mobile finisher.

A minimum of 50 QSO’s will be required for each entry.
Raffle details can be found at :
The mobile team of K4QPL/K3TD will not be eligible.

Many thanks Jim. Who knows? One of our mobile road warriors may wind up enjoying a week of sun and fun at VP5M. So, get on the road !

Good luck

2023 Chairman’s Message

2023 Chairman’s Message

Its that time of year where the new changes for NCQP come out and we have some great things in store for the event coming up in 2023. The updated rules are posted so look them over and form up your plans!

“In-State” operator is now called “NC”

“Out-of-State” operator is now called “Non-NC”

First, these are just simple name changes to use a more conventional way of naming and to improve the first and second place awards increasing clarity.

“Expedition” is now called “Portable” and a new “Single Portable” category has been added

Along with the name change like many other state QSO parties, we’ve responded to suggestions and requests. First thing is that the “Multi Portable” is now closest to the old Expedition category with the exception we have added the option to have an additional transmitter here. So “Multi” was added to the Portable name here because that is what it actually is.

The next thing we did was add a new “Single Portable” to not edge out the single-op who wants to go outdoors in somewhat of a “POTA” style. You don’t need to go to an actual POTA QTH, but you can if you want. This satisfies the two most requested changes we have gotten about this category. The big groups wanted to use two rigs, and the little guys didn’t want to have to compete against the larger groups.

Under ordinary circumstances we don’t like to split up a category where diluting the competition usually results. However, we’re hoping that the new single option will be attractive to all the POTA op’s out there thus resulting in MORE activity ultimately.

The “Digital” category for both NC and Non-NC has been retired.

Since the digital mode was allowed and category created about 10 years ago there hasn’t been any significant traction with it resulting in any significant participation. I’m sure FT-4/8 plays a significant role in this. Many state QSO parties don’t even include digital. We’re not going to that extent.

Here’s whats happening. The digital mode is still OK to be used in NC QSO Party for credit. Since a “Digital” category no longer is an option, making digital QSOs puts you in the “Mixed” mode along with (or without) your other QSOs. FT-4/8 still is not allowed as in the past. The software programmers for that haven’t made any accommodation for state QSO parties heretofore.

Activated NC county is added to the mult score in all NC categories     

We really appreciate the ops who travel to the lesser (aka “rare”) counties but often times they have difficulty getting credit in their multiplier score for that same county. (Like everyone else, that’s why they’re there!) We want to reward them for that effort by giving them mult credit for that county whether or not they work anyone else from there. Of course, this applies to ops in all NC categories, including mobile and portable, getting this credit for all of the counties they activate.

Bonus Spelling Bee this year is “WRIGHT”

The year 2023 is the 120th anniversary of the Wright brothers first flight in Kitty Hawk, NC in 1903. In celebration, NCQP has partnered with the Wright Brothers’ Memorial and Museum in sponsoring special event station N4W on the day of the QSO party. The other five calls of the bonus spelling bee word are N4R, N4I, N4G, N4H, and N4T. Not to give anything away, but the USS North Carolina battleship hams and your chairman are among the group of other great ops making up the 1×1 stations. Though I won’t be at the Wright Memorial for N4W, your vice chairman and NCQP log manager, W4MPS, will be heading that up and he has done a stellar job of setting that up.

2023 Special Event Stations

2023 Special Event Stations

2023 marks the 120th anniversary of the Wright Brothers historic first flight. To commemorate that, our NCQP bonus will consist of six special event stations: N4W, N4R, N4I, N4G, N4H and N4T. Working each station will earn you 50 bonus points. A clean sweep will award 200 additional points for a maximum of 500.
Some exciting news- the National Parks Service has approved our application to operate special event station N4W from the Wright Memorial in Kitty Hawk. We are currently working out the details with the Rangers.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that the Battleship North Carolina will again be a bonus station operating as N4T from its mooring in Wilmington.
A special Certificate of Achievement has been designed which will be sent to each participant working a clean sweep of all six bonus stations. We’ll share that design with you as we get closer to the contest.
With the propagation gods providing improved conditions, NCQP 2023 should prove to be one of the best yet. Mark your calendars for February 26 and stand by for more news which will be posted here and on our Facebook Groups page.

2022 Activation Report

2022 Activation Report

83 of 100 North Carolina counties were activated during the event. We are posting a file which shows that distribution, including a breakdown of which counties were activated by Fixed and Mobile or Expedition stations. This data was derived from 554 logs submitted. That means that 17 counties were not activated during NCQP 2022. So, there are plenty of opportunities to activate rare or needed counties for our 2023 event in February. Start your plans now.

In addition to North Carolina, 43 U.S. states submitted logs for NCQP 2022. The top 10 were:
Virginia=25 / Texas=24 / Tennessee=22 / Florida=21 / New York=21 / South Carolina=19 / Ohio=18 / Pennsylvania=17 / Georgia=15 and Minnesota=14.
It should also be noted that our western states were well represented. For example, both Washington State and California each had 9 submissions. That’s great.

Five Canadian provinces were active. These included AB, BC, NB, ON, PE and QC.

Log submission were received from 9 DX countries which included:
Slovak Republic / Lithuania / Spain / Norway / Poland / Hungary / Germany / UK and Ukraine.

Our perennial top finisher, Laci OM2VL earned two First Place plaques in 2022 finishing #1 in the Single Op/Out-Of-State/Mixed/High Power (yes, he beat all U.S. entrants) and Top DX categories.

We will be having our organizational meeting for NCQP 2023 in October. So, stand by for our report following that. Should you have any recommendations, comments, criticisms, etc that you would like to bring to the Committee’s attention, please feel free to submit same to either myself:
Marc, W4MPS
Or Marty, W4MY
so that we can include same on our agenda. All input is greatly appreciated.
Marc, W4MPS
NCQP Vice Chairman and Logs Analyst

Thank You to our Bonus Team

Thank You to our Bonus Team

The bonus ops this year were out there front and center for the taking. We had a record number of sweeps. Close to 200. Marc, W4MPS, created the certificate and disseminated it to each of those successful in gaining a QSO with all five bonus stations.


The NC Ham Activators, NC4NP (North Carolina Four National Park) headed up by David, ND1J. John, K4SGR, with logger Sarah, KN4SGR, Howard, WB4GUD, Chip K2KJD, Meg, K5MEG, and David, ND1J, operated N4D. “November Four Duke” from Macon County did a great job of putting up QSOs for the QSO Party bonus. N4D was on the air the entire 10 hour period, giving everyone lots of opportunity to work them. Ops were attempted on all bands and QSOs made on 80/40/20/15/10. A big thank you goes out to these guys.


Floyd Sense, K8AC, is no stranger to the upper part of the mixed mode award listings in NCQP over the years and he did us a great favor in applying his skills in handing out bonus QSOs. I asked Floyd to volunteer for this job based on his consistent participation and support. Funny co incidence is that my Drake TR-7 in my antique collection was modified and improved by Floyd and passed through other hands before it got to me. When talking to Floyd about it he was very generous and helpful in helping me get it to top condition. This is the type of ham we like to have working with us and we are grateful.


Bruce, N1LN, and Laurie Meier, N1YXU, took on N4K this year for us. Laurie is a Duke alumni and said she liked taking on the suffix letter “K” to commemorate Coach K’s retirement from Duke this year. Bruce and Laurie have a long relationship with us on the NCQP committee in offering their operations skills to help the QSO party. In those off years where they weren’t in the bonus lineup they were aligning with the Orange county club helping them. These guys are the truest of what ham radio service is all about.


Dick Godwin. K4JJW, hales from New Bern with a long list of awards to his credit. DXCC Honor Roll, 5 Band WAZ (including 160), VUCC 500+, the list goes on. Having Dick in the bonus lineup for the first time this year was a pleasure. I’ve worked Dick on the air outside of the QSO Party more than once (CW) and it was my pleasure to do so.


W4MY had the pleasure of teaming up with W4MPS to operate this one from chairman headquarters in Harnett county. We had a great time and made a lot of QSOs! It was a blast, conditions were better and participation was very good.

Congratulations to each of our sweep holders, and a big thank you to our bonus stations. As soon as the plaques and second place certificates are mailed in a couple of weeks, this one will be in the books!

73 Marty W4MY

NCQP Chairman

Spelling Bee Qualifying Stations

Spelling Bee Qualifying Stations

This link, Bonus Station Sweeps, lists the stations that have successfully earned a Clean Sweep of all 5 Spelling Bee Bonus Stations in NCQP 2022. If you do not see your callsign listed and believe that you have qualified, please email Marc, W4MPS at We will be happy to double check your log.

Your certificate will be emailed to you at the address shown in your NCQP log. Please be patient however, as we have nearly 200 certificates to prepare and send. Thanks for participating in NCQP and congratulations on your achievement.

Time for the Results!

Time for the Results!

2022 is now history as the results are posted! We’ve worked really hard to get them out as soon as we could. If you are a first or second place finisher in any of the categories, congratulations! Your plaque is coming soon. Watch your mailbox!

Click over to the RESULTS tab and have a look! Enjoy! And, as always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments about this or any other subject.

73 Marty W4MY NCQP Chairman

Logs Due Sunday 3/13/22

Logs Due Sunday 3/13/22

We have well over 500 logs submitted so far with only a couple of days left to get yours in if you have yet to do so. Its due before Sunday, 3/13/22 at midnight EST (0400Z. 3/14/22).

So don’t miss out! Get your log in right away!