Chairman’s Random Thoughts for this Year’s Running

Chairman’s Random Thoughts for this Year’s Running

Preparations are complete and NCQP is on GO! From what I can see on the announcements so far the mobile category should be an interesting one. Lets hope the weather cooperates in the west to allow for safe passage through the mountains. And if you haven’t announced your operation, please take a minute to do so. Its an easy form to fill out here: Click on “Report Your Operation Here”

Pay close attention to 20 meters and above. The out of state ops further away are looking for QSO’s and there’s always a good number of them, including DX stations looking for those NC counties to work. For those of us in state ops there’s a $150 gift card to GiggaParts up for grabs to the station that works the highest number of QSO’s on 20 and above. Call CQ! You never know who’s out there!

As you probably already know, this is the last year we’ll be accepting paper logs, so now may be the time to get your feet wet into computer logging for a “dry run” I’m sure there are many willing to help with that if you need it. Check out Kenn’s YouTube video (link in the sidebar) on converting your paper log to Cabrillo if that’s the route you go.

I think we are out of the doldrums of the last solar minimum so I’m expecting allot of activity this year. Also, check out those mobiles, that is going to heat up with a visit to the west by our good neighbors from Georgia. I’ve gotten allot of questions from folks going outdoors on an expedition. That seems to be the thing to do in these times we find ourselves. Be sure to announce yourselves on the cool NCQP map (link above) to get everyone cued up to work you.

I’d like to welcome the new In-State ops who have moved in to NC this past year. I’ve received many great questions from them and I’m glad to see we’ll be lighting up some of the more rare counties where they live.

We’ve got great ops lined up for the WOLFPACK spelling bee! Some you will recognize from past years (ahemm..Yours’ Truly, HI 😉 and some are brand new. Good Luck with your Sweep. We got 82 last year.

As I always say, thank you for your continued participation and support of this event. Go out there this Sunday and make North Carolina proud!

Marty W4MY

NCQP Chairman

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